A. I. Bobak, I. Z. Derzhko
Features of organizational and legal reforms in the implementation of state health care policy at the current stage of socio-economic transformations
A. I. Bobak, O. S. Shymechko
Information technological aspects of formation and implementation of state policy of reforms in the health care system at the modern stage in Ukraine
O. Y. Bobrovska
Improvement of the organizational foundations of the development of the scientific activity in Ukraine on the way to post-war recovery
L. P. Gorbata
The use of artificial intelligence technologies in the management of the development of territorial communities in Ukraine
D. S. Hriaznov
Public administration of social entrepreneurship development in Ukraine
Yu. V. Zhuravel
The role of the state in ensuring the competitiveness of educational institutions in Ukraine during the war and post-war period
А. V. Ivanchenko
Valuable aspects of reforming the government service in Ukraine
I. M. Korostashova
Taxation of foreing economic activities in the European integration process of Ukraine: notion, legal regulations, customs formalities and procedures
A. S. Malyshak
Principles of controlling the activities of public servants
Ye. H. Matviishyn
Development of participation in the global dimension: public administration aspect
N. B. Radukh, T. I. Sytnyk
Formation of the public investment management system in Ukraine
O. O. Saliuk-Kravchenko
The role of nuclear power and nuclear industry in the sustainable development of the new post-war energy system of Ukraine
M. V. Yukalo
Normative and legal framework for the organization of medical services for the population in Ukraine
O. V. Dukhnevych
The experience of the Bundeswehr in recruiting for military service
S. V. Telenchi, S. M. Verytelnyk
Strengthening the role of local self-government bodies under martial law and post-war recovery