O. I. Bilyk
Periodization of the historical development of the phenomenon of social state
L. M. Ivashovа, M. F. Ivashov, I. M. Kveliashvili
Methodology of scientific research and systematic approach in the field of public governance: mechanisms, levers, methods, tools
A. V. Movchaniuk
Conceptual basis of reforming public administration system in Ukraine
V. V. Perzhun
Historical sources of forming of administrative culture
Ye. I. Taran
European integration institutionalization of Ukraine
I. V. Shkurat
Ukraine’s involvement in the globalization process: a critical vision of renowned experts
O. І. Apostol
Estimation of the foreign experience of public administration by competitiveness of economy
I. M. Bezena, V. V. Sychenko, S. О. Rybkina
Mechanisms of public administration democratization and the career development of officials of authorities: regional aspect
O. P. Borysenko, K. O. Chernokalova
Communication as a tool of public administration: current trends
Yu. V. Dmytriyev
Monitoring the lifestyle of public persons as one of the methods to prevent corruption in the public administration system
V. Ya. Karkovska
Knowledge management in conditions of formation of mechanisms of staff authorities of state authorities
V. G. Kovalyov, T. M. Brus
The role of local self-government authorities in cross-border cooperation: organization and legal basis
T. V. Kosariev, N. О. Pasyk-Kosarieva
Improvement of e-governing on the basis of re-engineering of government processes
N. P. Kryzyna, L. M. Radchenko
Conceptual approaches to the solid household waste management in Ukraine
A. P. Lelechenko
The strategic architecture of public governance system for sustainable regional development
S. Yu. Lukin
Civil society in the formation of public space in the processes of state formation
A. А. Melnychenko, Yu. V. Radchenko
Implementation of mediation tools in public administration practice
V. I. Nykolaieva
Community monitoring as an effective instrument of risk minimization in public administration of the social work system
О. О. Pavlenko, V. O. Ziuzin, K. L. Koval, K. D. Ditsman
Involving citizens in decentralization reform: an expert opinion on the monitoring and evaluation system of the regional strategy
O. H. Plutalova
Theoretical aspects of legal mechanism of government regulation of the land market in Ukraine
N. Yu. Podolchak, U. T. Lukashevska
FinTech public mechanism development opportunities
A. M. Puhach, L. O. Polska
Land reform: European experience and implementation opportunities in Ukraine
H. Yu. Razumei, M. M. Razumei
Digitalization of public administration as a component of digital transformation of Ukraine
O. O. Samoilenko
The possibility of implementing the American model of lobby activities in Ukraine
V. V. Sychenko, M. M. Khytko, M. A. Khytko
Use of foresight for strategic planning of educational development in the conditions of its systemic changes
H. T. Tereshkevych
Legal provision of health care system reform based on the bioethics
I. М. Khmyrov
Justification of reasonably need of the state support of electronic training introduction
S. O. Shevchenko
Public administration of internationalization of higher education in Ukraine: from global to national dimensions
T. M. Semenova
Socio-economic analysis of the impact of decentralization reform on the management of local budgeting processes
Yu. V. Shpak
Cluster approach in the management of territorial development of Ukraine
M. F. Kryshtanovych
Functions of the National Police of Ukraine in the system of public security and order in the state
O. А. Panchenko, O. І. Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, V. Н. Antonov
Turbulence information challenges in governance
V. О. Torichniy
The conditions of effective development and deployment of the state information policy
G. P. Ferdman
Railway safety: public-management aspects
L. A. Voropay
The international aspects of formation of state policy in the sphere of social protection of combatants
O. G. Cherkas
Interaction of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with local councils: informational-communicational aspect