Ya. V. Kachan
Improvement of the liability system of public officials as a factor of professional development
V. H. Puhach
State in the transnational regulatory space
І. V. Shkurat
Main directions of the impact of globalization on state governance in the conditions of transformation development
L. N. Vasilieva, N. V. Datsii
Mechanism of strategic management by development of regional agro-recreation sector
I. O. Venher
Analysis of the current situation and structure of the labor market of Ukraine
V. T. Ventsel
Social function of the state in conditions of transformation of social processes
O. M. Zhytnyk, A. A. Hrytsenko
National security state policy-making mechanisms from the perspective of the Buzan-Waever theory: regional security system structural and functional analysis
Ya. O. Koniukh
Peculiarities of the impact of youth elite on the formation of state policy
O. O. Kritenko, Т. S. Totska
Ways to improve the system of public procurement
Yu. O. Kryhtina, O. V. Severchenko, I. I. Cherkasov
Тransformation of public administration in the context of the information revolution
О. К. Lyubchuk, Yu. V. Yarchenko, S. V. Sakhno
To the problem of improvement of the mechanism of public management of quality of traffic training
A. M. Maltseva
Development and implementation of the management decision in the field of public service at the modern stage of Ukraine development
O. V. Marukhlenko
Investment mechanism of public social development policy
V. I. Nykolaieva
The issues on the effectiveness of the financial mechanism of public administration of the social work system in Ukraine
O. V. Poberezhnyj
Administrative and social services as the composition of public services in Ukraine
N. V. Stativka, K. Ya. Kucheriava
Main components of the complex mechanism of de-shadowing of Ukraine’s economy
O. О. Usachenko
Organization of regulatory regulation of development of defense industry
O. M. Chechel
The concept and contents of public governance mechanisms in the humanitarian sector
A. M. Chirva
The mechanisms of public governance by higher education: the orientation on quality of educational services
O. O. Sheka
Complex approach to the management of recreational resources at the regional level
M. O. Malanchiy, V. I. Nezyat
Mechanism of development of HR management in the state border service of Ukraine
O. V. Akilina, A. H. Panchenko
Problems of training human resources for working with youth in newly formed communities
Yе. I. Borodin, I. M. Bezena. Mark E
Henson on the ways of democracy and decentralization of public state institutions
K. S. Lozovska
Communication strategies as an instrument for establishing effective interaction of local self-government and society
M. M. Stadnyk, V. P. Udovichenko, V. V. Pavliuk
Activating youth leadership in established communities
L. M. Ivashova, L. I. Kiida
Digitalization of customs procedures: the current situation and prospects of customs development
S. A. Kapelyushny
The essence and the role of professional development of NCO in the formation of the system of personnel security of the National Guard of Ukraine
I. М. Kveliashvili
Influence of public examination in realization of measures on state administration reformation of custom affairs
M. F. Kryshtanovych
State policy of Ukraine regarding national security
V. O. Pautov
The corruption phenomenon and the role of anti-corruption bodies
H. Yu. Razumei
Development of mechanisms of electronic customs risk management
І. І. Savka
Democratization of the security and defense sector by the implementation of civil control mechanisms
Ya. Iu. Shvydkyi
Place of anti-corruption in the system of national security system