Admission schedule for articles

To publish an article in Issue № 3 (42), 2024, you must fill out the author's reference via link and send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than September 30, 2024, with the following package of documents:

– scientific article (Surname.doc) - see. sample article;

– a copy of the receipt for payment of the publication (payment is made only after the editorial board has accepted the scientific article for publishing).

The e-mail should be titled "Article in the Journal of Public Administration and Customs Administration, No. 3 (42), 2024" (specify the issue number in which the article is submitted).

Authors will be sure to send an e-mail about receiving and reviewing the editorial board.

Warning! If you have not received an acknowledgment letter in more than 5 business days, please contact the editorial office by contact.

The authors receive a letter about the results of the review - see. the review process (rejected, accepted with revisions, accepted) and, in case of successful passage, the requisites for payment of the publication fee.

The editorial board does not consider the materials, designed with deviation from the following requirements regarding the order of submission and design of the scientific article.


Requirements for the design of a scientific article

Volume - 12-20 pages of text, paper size - A4, margins on all sides - 20 mm, line spacing - 1,5, font size - 14, headset - Times New Roman, paragraph - 1 cm (only for the main text of the article)

The structure of the scientific article:

1 – UDC (left alignment). Define code - see.;

2 – initials and surnames of the author (font - bold, center alignment), scientific degree and academic rank, position and place of work (full name of the structural unit) (font - direct, center alignment);

Each subsequent co-author on a new line.

3 – title of scientific article (center alignment, boldface, capital letters);

4 – abstract and keywords in Ukrainian (average annotation volume is not less than 1800 characters);

5 – initials, author's name, article title, and abstract in English (2000–2500 characters);

6 – the text of the scientific article with the following elements:

Formulation of the problem.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

The purpose of the article.

Presenting main material.

Conclusions from the study and prospects for further exploration in this direction.

6 – List of sources used in alphabetical order or alphabetical order (to be made according to the interstate standard DSTU 8302: 2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of drafting").

References to literary sources in the text of a scientific article should be given in square brackets [1, p. 56; 7, p. 45–51].

7 – References. In transliteration, observe the requirements of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decree “On streamlining the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin”, dated January 27, 2010, No. 55.


Prohibition to refer to the aggressor state’s scholarly papers

It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.


Academic integrity

The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company

The editorial staff receives and registers DOI for articles.


Cost of publication

The reimbursement of the cost of publishing a scientific article in the journal is:
– for Ukrainians 1100 UAH per article up to 12 pages. If the article is more than the specified volume, then it is necessary to pay 50 UAH for each page;
– for foreigners $ 50 per article up to 12 pages. If the article is larger than the specified volume, you will additionally have to pay $ 2 per page.

The editorial board will receive scientific papers free of charge for doctors of sciences from other countries.

Journal electronic version will be available on the website on November 30, 2024.
If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which is paid in addition to the publication fee.
Authors who ordered a printed copy will receive it before December 30, 2024.